Gran Saposoa at


Gran Saposoa is a Chachapoya (pre-inca) settlement complex in the department of San Martin, Peru.

Raid of Ancient Peruvian City Unearths Ethical Questions of Exploration
September 7, 2005 Looters have plundered the ruins of Gran Saposoa, an ancient city that was recently discovered in the isolated mountains of Peru over 330 miles northeast of Lima, raising old questions about the ethics of exploration and discovery. 

Ancient Peru city plundered, explorer says son of famed explorer warns tomb robbers at work

Pre-Inca Ruins Emerging From Peru's Cloud Forests (Chapapoyas culture - Gran Saposoa)
'In August Sean Savoy led a return expedition to Gran Saposoa that uncovered an additional five hilltop citadels at the sprawling metropolis. "Gran Saposoa was even more inhabited, even more built up, than we had originally thought," he said.'

Gran Saposoa- Ruinas Preincas
Extensive information about Gran Saposoa in Spanish, including photos.

Small map of Gran Saposoa at


Gran Saposoa es un complejo arqueológico pre-inca (chachapoyas) en el departamento de San Martín, Perú

Pequeño mapa de Gran Saposoa en

Gran Saposoa- Ruinas Preincas
Extenso información sobre las expediciones a Gran Saposoa en castellano, incluyendo fotos.

Descubren ruinas preincas en la selva peruana
GRAN SAPOSOA. Descubren metrópoli conformada por cinco ciudadelas preincas de la cultura Chachapoyas. Escribe Anna Zwenger / Información en puro flash a cerca de la ciudad y provincia de Saposoa
